
Established in 2001, we set out to deliver training to industry and the wider community. Our mission is simple – To deliver quality training – and to do what we do, do well.

We offer all sorts of courses for all sorts of people, with Manaakitanga and Whanaungatanga as the forefront of everything we offer our students.

Celebrating our 21st year in 2022 we specialise in training within the corporate market, in schools and within the wider community. We pride ourselves in being accessible and offering quality training to suit broad learning requirements. Our 2020 NZQA EER, saw ITS proud to receive Highly Confident in Educational Performance and again in Capability in Self-Assessment, meaning we remain a category 1 provider.

“ITS is a high-performing organisation with proactive management leading to effective leadership. Learners, industry and the community gain valued outcomes. Graduates gain skills, knowledge and attributes for work or personal gain. Academic programmes are well-planned and well-resourced and relevant to the learners’ requirements. Outcomes meet the needs of students and the community. Professionally qualified staff understand their diverse learners well and work with them and their management or school to minimise barriers to learning.”


Hi Poppy

I e-mail to express feedback I am receiving from the people we support who have been and are continuing to attend courses at ITS.

They are really enjoying their experience in the learning environment your organisation and tutors offer.

They have stated often how much they like attending and what they learn – also how they feel their learning is fun and friendly.

They know they can always ask questions and get “help” if they feel they need this.

I would like to congratulate you all for offering such a fantastic friendly and conducive facility with a positive methodology and learning environment for all people in our community.

Wonderful to know you are there 😊

Appreciate your Mahi



Ali Sigley

Community Support Coordinator
CCS Disability Action Manawatu/Horowhenua


Firstly, thank you so so very much for being so prompt with the kids Certificates and their results, I was able to get them all loaded in time.  Not that it is about the credits lol 😆 

I have seen most of them since, massive positive feedback from them about this course, and how much they loved you delivering it.  

Have a beautiful weekend, and thank you again for looking after us and giving these kids the best 💕


Sarah Hamilton

Rototuna High School


Just want to say thanks so much for facilitating the course.  The students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and got a lot out of it.
Ruby especially, you helped her out so much and from the bottom of my heart thank you…  she’s a special young lady, and she was so stoked to have met you and for all of your wonderful kind words, of encouragement.
That one little encounter meant so much to her…  so thank you 🙂


Spotswood College
New Plymouth


This is a fantastic resource – really like how interactive and clear it is for practical learners.

Carolyn Lewin

Onslow College


ITS have been recommended to me by some of my colleagues within our Franklin Schools Careers cluster as giving students great support.




“Lovely to catch up with you and I am extremely grateful that this process is so easy, as usual a pleasure to work with you and your team”


Wellington Girls High School


The Virtual and Digital Learning prospectus and Ako Pai is awesome. Well set out and easy to read.

I appreciate this is a difficult time for many and to have this online structure is good.
