Seaside Sally’s

Seaside Sally’s is a unique, simulated workplace model created in 2015 by Poppy and the staff at ITS for use in teaching particular topics and unit standards. Seaside Sally’s is a café, retail outlet and adventure park based on the “Island of St de Pier”. It is used for all our hospitality and retail assessments where practical assessment in a simulated workplace is required. It is also used as a context for many other units we deliver.

Our X-Factor programmes take students on an induction journey as they start ‘employment’ with Seaside Sally’s. Seaside Sally’s has a full staff manual, including workplace policies and procedures, and a full set of props. With a stage set and props to create the workplace environment, students can get into role and act out the skills they are focused on. Their learning becomes real rather than imagined. In fact, we make Sally’s so believable that sometimes students are not quite sure if the Island of St de Pier is real or not…..


The Journey

From Poppy’s imagination comes the story behind Seaside Sally’s Café and Retail Shop and a set of policies and procedures has been developed:

Seaside Sally’s History
In the 1800’s there were many castles here in St de Pier, homes for the wealthy and aristocrats, many of who had more servants than children! These very grand castles became abandoned over time and eventually the ruins became dangerous and the land incredibly sought after. The council ordered the ruins be demolished. Locals were horrified and got in there first to gather any souvenirs they could find.

To my great grandfather’s delight, he found many chests full of treasures including silver and linen in the dungeons. These had all been carefully packed and well hidden, probably to hopefully survive the war. Well, that they did! Great grandfather tucked the chests away, not really knowing what to do with them, and when I found great delight in their contents he promised them to me, on the condition that I had to build a business to attract people to Cockle Bay. And so we did …

Right by the Pier in Cockle Bay is Seaside Sally’s, a delight for all. Cafe – Curios – Adventure Park – Tourist Activities. Open daily from 6am till midnight.

Seaside Sally’s develops further with a diverse range of staff roles and characters created, and the addition of Sally’s Adventure Park:

“David and I were delivering a programme called Tutuki; on day one we quickly realised that activities based on hospitality and retail would not work for these students.  At the end of the day we brainstormed and came up with Sally’s Adventure Park – based on old fashioned activities like egg and spoon relays and tug a rope as well as rope puzzles and carrying trays with weighted bottles on.  And any game they could create with tennis balls.  It was a huge success and has developed into Sally’s Adventure Park.”

Seaside Sally’s Policies and Procedures are built on and developed into “Let’s Go”, Seaside Sally’s induction programme and handbook.

Seaside Sally’s continues to develop and grow.